Linear Decompaction
Wave Action
Linear decompaction is process that slices through the turf, shattering the soil profile up to a depth of 15" by wave action. The wave action produced by the machine promotes water infiltration and greater air space for the plant. With minimal surface disruption, the field is ready to play following this aeration practice.
The Redexim Verti-Quake 2521 is a rotator aerator that uses 24 steel knives to slice into the field surface. Ideally used on fields with high use and foot traffic, the Verti-Quake breaks through the rootzone profile into the sub base to relieve compaction. The implement is 82" wide and mounted to a low ground pressure tractor. Similiar to Verti-Draining, this turfgrass practice will soften harden soils, promote deep rooting potential, and increased field safety and playability.
Increased Water Infiltration